Adama Tutorial


This API is preliminary, and it may change.

Follow this tutorial with any HTTP client. Here we’ll use curl.

The languages supported by Adama are currently: Python, Javascript.

The base url of the Adama is For brevity, in what follows we use the environment variable API to refer to this base. Declare the variable in your shell to be able to copy and paste the examples:

$ export API=

You need to obtain a token through your method of choice. In what follows, the environment variable TOKEN is assumed to be set to such token. It is convenient to set it as:

$ export TOKEN=my-token

Checking access to Adama

A GET request to $API/status should return:

$ curl -L -X GET $API/status -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"
    "api": "Adama v0.3",
    "hash": "6869fde8e2617ab8f8a58c5c09b1512a80185500",
    "status": "success"

The hash field points to the git commit of Adama that is currently serving the response.

Registering a Namespace

Namespaces allow Adama to group adapters. Create a new namespace with:

$ curl -X POST $API/namespaces -Fname=tacc -Fdescription="TACC namespace" \
   -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"
    "result": "",
    "status": "success"

Retrieve information about a known namespace from the url $API/<namespace> (for example $API/tacc). Obtain the list of all registered namespaces with:

$ curl -X GET $API/namespaces -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"
    "result": [
            "description": "TACC namespace",
            "name": "tacc",
            "url": null
    "status": "success"

Delete a namespace with the verb DELETE to the url $API/<namespace>.

Registering an Adapter

Adama currently supports two types of adapters: query and map_filter.

A query adapter receives a request through Adama, performs a query to an external service and returns the results as JSON objects.

A map_filter adapter transforms and/or filters JSON objects returned from an external service.

An adapter can be registered using two methods (or a combination of them):

  • POST the code and the metadata. The code can be a single file, tarball, or zip archive.
  • POST an URL to a git repository containing the code and the metadata.

It is strongly recommended to use the second method, since it makes it easier to share, to modify, and to keep track of changes in the adapters.

We show an example of a query adapter registered via the first method, and an example of a map_filter adapter registered via the second method.

Writing a query adapter

Write a Python module, with a function search that takes a JSON object as argument in the form of a dictionary. Print JSON objects to standard output, separated by the characters "---".

For example:

# file:

import json

def search(args):
    print json.dumps({'obj': 1, 'args': args})
    print "---"
    print json.dumps({'obj': 2, 'args': args})

This function can be tested in the Python interpreter:

>>> import main
>>>{'x': 5})
{"args": {"x": 5}, "obj": 1}
{"args": {"x": 5}, "obj": 2}


To register this adapter with the name example in the namespace tacc, we POST to $API/tacc/services with the metadata and the code. In this example we show only some of the optional fields, refer to the API docs for the full documentation.

  • name (mandatory): the name of the adapter (example in this case),
  • type (mandatory): the type of adapter: query, or map_filter,
  • version (optional): version (default 0.1),
  • url (mandatory): URL of the external service ( in this case),
  • notify (optional): URL to notify with a POST request when the adapter is ready to use,
  • code (mandatory): module

Using curl:

$ curl -L -X POST $API/tacc/services \
    -F "name=example" -F "type=query" -F "url=" \
    -F -F "notify=https://my.url" \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"
    "message": "registration started",
    "result": {
        "notification": "https://my.url",
        "search": "",
        "list": "",
        "state": ""
    "status": "success"

At this point the registration procedure is started in the server. It may take some time, and in the meantime the state of the adapter can be checked with:

$ curl -L -X GET $API/tacc/example_v0.1 \
   -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"
    "result": {
        "msg": "Workers started",
        "service": null,
        "slot": "busy",
        "stage": 4,
        "total_stages": 5
    "status": "success"

When ready, Adama will post to the url specified in the notify parameter (if any), and the adapter can be seen in the directory of services. To see a list of all the available services:

$ curl -L -X GET $API/tacc/services \
   -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"
    "result": [
            "code_dir": "/tmp/tmpolAjqz/user_code",
            "description": "",
            "json_path": "",
            "language": "python",
            "main_module": "main",
            "metadata": "",
            "name": "example",
            "namespace": "tacc",
            "notify": "https://my.url",
            "requirements": [],
            "type": "query",
            "url": "",
            "version": "0.1",
            "whitelist": [
            "workers": [
    "status": "success"

Delete the service example_v0.1 by using the DELETE verb to $API/tacc/example_v0.1.

Writing a map_filter adapter

Start a git repository as:

$ mkdir map_filter_example
$ cd map_filter_example
$ git init

Add the file with content:

def map_filter(obj):
    obj['processed_by'] = 'Adama'
    return obj

This module can be tested in the Python interpreter:

>>> import main
>>> main.map_filter({'key': 1})
{'key': 1, 'processed_by': 'Adama'}

Add also the file metadata.yml with the metadata information:

name: map_example
version: 0.1
type: map_filter
whitelist: ['']
description: ''
requirements: []
notify: ''
json_path: result

The url returns a sample JSON response:

$ curl
    "result": [
            "key": 1
            "key": 2
            "key": 3
    "status": "success"

The array of objects we want to process is in the field result, so we declare it in the json_path field of the metadata file.

Commit both files into the git repository:

$ git add metadata.yml
$ git commit -m "Add main and metadata"

The git repository has to be made available somewhere. For example, if using Github with the username waltermoreira and repository name map_adapter, we can register the adapter with:

$ curl -L -X POST $API/tacc/services \
    -F "git_repository="

Performing a query

Use the adapter example_v0.1 registered in the tacc namespace by doing a GET from $API/tacc/example_v0.1/search.

For example:

$ curl -L "$API/tacc/example_v0.1/search?word1=hello&word2=world" \
   -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"
{"result": [
{"args": {"worker": "887e5cf7c82f", "word1": "hello", "word2": "world"}, "obj": 1}
, {"args": {"worker": "887e5cf7c82f", "word1": "hello"], "word2": "world"}, "obj": 2}
"metadata": {"time_in_main": 0.0001881122589111328},
"status": "success"}

Notice that the result consists of the two objects generated by, including the query argument (in this case containing some extra metadata added by Adama).

Use the adapter map_example_v0.1 in a similar way:

$ curl -L $API/map_example_v5/search \
   -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"
{"result": [
{"processed_by": "Adama", "key": 1}
, {"processed_by": "Adama", "key": 2}
, {"processed_by": "Adama", "key": 3}
"metadata": {},
"status": "success"}


Current endpoints for Adama:

  • $API/status
    • GET: get information about Adama server
  • $API/namespaces
    • GET: list namespaces
    • POST: create namespace
  • $API/<namespace>
    • GET: get information about a namespace
    • DELETE: remove a namespace
  • $API/<namespace>/services
    • GET: list all services
    • POST: create a service
  • $API/<namespace>/<service>
    • GET: get information about a service
    • DELETE: remove a service
  • $API/<namespace>/<service>/search
    • GET: perform a query
  • $API/<namespace>/<service>/list
    • GET: perform a listing